alana harris | ig: @spexx_art | website: under construction
(she/her) is a multimedia artist and printmaker from Columbia, South Carolina and currently resides in West Philadelphia. She described herself as a colorful and talkative child and I think that is a great representation of the artwork she creates today.
Her career as an artist started out in the realm of printmaking. She studied set design at The College of Charleston, using the time there to toy around with budding ideas and find reasons behind why she was making art. In her senior year of college, she noticed her work shift to incite dialogue surrounding elements of her own identity, working largely within the themes of Blackness and queerness.
Using found imagery, text and drawings, she constructs lively collages that function as a means of communication, offering a call and response for marginalized people—meeting at the intersections of her identity.

Season Three of PhotoLounge Presents is curated by Rebecca Arthur.
PLP is a curated series where guest curators turn the lens on emerging photographers and provide a glimpse of their oeuvre and what inspires them. This season will continue to be unveiled twice a month on our Gallery Blog and Instagram over the coming months.