Theme: Diptych

Photo Contest
Contest Theme: Diptych
Prize: Two rolls of film processed & scanned high res for free along with two 8x10 fine art prints!
Winner: @thiens.jpg


What We Liked: Diptychs are a great way to say more with your image. The lone “Merry Christmas” decoration that accompanies the lone man sitting on the couch heightens the sense of solitude. The viewer peeks at the man from a doorway, as though we’re capturing a scene we’re not meant to see—someone in a completely natural state as they’re by themselves. The second picture ventures to get much closer to the subject, but still refrains from entering the room. Small details have changed, and the decoration is no longer in sight. It is a slightly different moment in time; the man is focusing more on his food rather than the TV. The two images feel raw and genuine, like a child walking around the house curiously observing their parent.

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