Contest Theme: Yellow
Prize: Three 8x10 prints
Winner: @kevwin
From the Artist: "This photo was taken pretty spontaneously while waiting in line at Okie Dokie Donuts one morning. I saw the man in yellow on the left first power washing the street and then my eyes just naturally traveled right, lining up the Slippery Floor sign and the yellow puffer jacket."
What We Liked: When first viewing this street photograph, your eye is immediately drawn to the foreground on the right, heightened by the bright, grabbing, yellow of the subject’s jacket. Then your attention moves into the middle of the photograph first with the caution sign then the plastic yellow poncho of the person power-washing the sidewalk. From there you look up and out into the background, taking in the smaller details in the signs, flags, and storefronts that decorate the street. This all makes for a wonderfully dynamic image that uses the color yellow to direct the viewers attention through the frame.