We love helping you digitize your family memories and rediscover moments past, which is why we’re sharing some of our favorites, so welcome to Time Capsule Tuesdays!
From Rich F:
Decades ago I played in a punk/indie rock band.
We'd head over to Europe once in a while for a run of dates – usually 6 weeks or so.
I'd bring one "disposable" camera with flash (always on) for each week we'd be there.
I'm sure this is from one of those disposables.
It's taken in our tour van – with our French tour manager and dear friend Laurent at the wheel (he's taking a photo of me).
Art, in the green hat, is chomping on a tomato – and Noel is sitting next to Art.
I'm 99% sure this is a dejeuner (lunch) break – somewhere near Lyon, FR.
In lieu of stoping at truck stops for lunch – the French, being French – would insist that each Lunch be an event.
We'd pull over on the side of any random road and find a patch of green – we'd sit there with baguettes, fromage, table wine and Diet Coke.
An hour or so would be the minimum dejeuner – even if we were hours behind schedule.
I always thought it was a waste of time – but in hindsight, I realize, those moments were usually the most fulfilling moments on the road.
Scanned in Philadelphia by PhotoLounge.
Everyone has their own box of memories, and we’re here to help you rediscover some of these special moments. Stop by the store or email our team (digitizing@myphotolounge.com), to get started!