This week’s Member Moment features work by Film Club member Oanh Luong, whose work features stylized street portraiture. Scroll down to see her pictures and to read the interview!

PL: What got you interested in photography?
OL: My interest in photography started when I was younger. I always loved capturing moments on my parents’ camera and as I got older I started creating work that not only expresses my own vision but also reflects the unique emotions/identities of others.

PL: What type of camera do you shoot with?
OL: I shoot with a Canon Rebel T7.

PL: When taking pictures, what are some objects or elements or feelings within a scene that inspire you to take a photo?
OL: I am inspired by cinematic scenes that show feelings of nostalgia and euphoria. As for elements, I love capturing movement and colors whether that’s in the models clothing or having them turn or run on a slow shutter.

PL: Of the pictures you submitted, can you share an interesting story about one?
OL: In one photo I submitted, my friend is standing in front of a train at the subway platform. This was a very fun shoot but definitely very new for me as this was my first time shooting late at night and in transit areas. What was interesting is that one of my friends who was modeling, lost her passport while we were taking photos. She is a Japanese International student, so that passport was her form of ID. We only realized this when everyone came back to Temple campus after the shoot. This was very scary in the moment but funny to look back at now.

PL: What do you enjoy most about digital photography and what is challenging about it?
OL: I really enjoy meeting and connecting with new people that share similar interests in creating art. What I find challenging about photography is the ability to travel to locations. I do not have a car in Philadelphia so sometimes it is very hard to get around to the shooting location. I find I often need to uber, take multiple trains, or walk just to get to the shoot which can add up and be tiring. Additionally, I usually creative direct all my shoots which can be a lot of work on one person. However, with all the connections I’ve made, I’ve been able to start collaborating with different photographers, stylists, and makeup artists that are willing to help on projects.
PL: How would you like to grow this collection of photographs?
OL: This year I took a Photo Lighting class at Temple University so I am hoping that in the new year I can grow this collection of photographs by putting my new skills and techniques to use.

Every day, Club Members take exceptional pictures. If you are not a Film Club Member yet what are you waiting for? Join today to support the photo community in Philly and to start saving money on film processing!