Rolling Along Closing Reception


Join us on February 25th from 6-8pm for a closing reception!

We are pleased to announce a closing reception for our current gallery show, Rolling Along! This show, our first of 2022, was a great way to kick off the year by reflecting on the sunny Summer before. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the original opening due to the rapid rise of Covid cases in Philadelphia and our commitment to keeping our community safe. However, now that cases are on the downturn, we feel that it’s safe to host this event to showcase some amazing work while also bringing our community back together after a cold couple of months.

We require that everyone in attendance be vaccinated and masked.

Prints will be available for sale, as well as a special Rolling Along Bundle (which features an image from each artist) and a zine put together by the Road Warriors! Thank you so much for supporting the PL130 Gallery at PhotoLounge, we hope to see you there!

Rolling Along is made possible with dues from our Film Club members. For just $8 per month, everyone can join the film club to save on film processing and grow our community in Philly. Our Fourth Film Club Member Show will also be on view on our third level showcasing portraits taken by some of our Film Club Members. 

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