This week’s Member Moment features work by Film Club member Andrew Livingston, whose photographs are filled with lush scenery and the people that enjoy it—whether they are loved ones or friendly strangers. Scroll down to see his pictures and to read the interview!

PL: What got you interested in photography?
AL: My interest in photography started in high school. Photography was a way to explore the world with the new found independence I had as a 16 year old with a driver's license. I had a fantastic photography teacher, Jim Talone, whose passion for photography was infectious.

PL: What type of camera do you shoot with?
AL: Depending on what I plan to photograph I utilize my Leica MP, Plaubel Makina 67 or Chamonix 4x5.

PL: When taking pictures, what are some objects or elements or feelings within a scene that inspire you to take a photo?
AL: I am most drawn to capturing images that include people in them. Mostly family, friends and the experiences shared with them. Landscapes and photographs of details help support the environmental portraits to tell the story. I am always on the lookout for compelling compositions and when the light is most interesting.

PL: Of the pictures you submitted, can you share an interesting story about one?
AL: The image of a man in a garden is what I hope is the start of a photography project. The man is a gardener in a local community garden. He is over ninety years old and tends to his garden every morning as the sun rises. I want to create a series of portraits of gardeners around the Philadelphia area. I love how gardens grow even in the most urban environments and find those who tend them to be very interesting

PL: What do you enjoy most about digital/film photography and what is challenging about it?
AL: I like the tactile feeling of film photography and love the character it instills into each photograph. Film lacks many of the conveniences of digital like adjusting the ISO on the fly or subject aware autofocus but part of the joy is going back to just the basic elements of photography.
PL: How would you like to grow this collection of photographs?
AL: I would like to continue to build on my project of portraits of gardeners. Perhaps some day it could be a photo book. If any readers are local gardeners and are interested in a portrait get in touch with me on Instagram (@alivingston).
Every day, Club Members take exceptional pictures. If you are not a Film Club Member yet what are you waiting for? Join today to support the photo community in Philly and to start saving money on film processing!