Member Moment: Uv Lucas

Film Club

This week’s Member Moment features work by Film Club member Uv Lucas, whose work focuses on portraiture ranging from nightlife, street, and fashion editorial. Scroll down to see her pictures and to read the interview!

PL: What got you interested in photography?


UL: I initially became interested in photography as an attempt to stay creative. I had quit DJing after 12 years of it and decided that I wanted to document my friends and their outfits and make a zine with my dollar store disposable camera. My friends encouraged me to keep doing it and that was in 2015!

PL: What type of camera do you shoot with?


UL: I have a lot of different film cameras, and I shoot digital as well, but my fave film ones that I have are my Mamiya 645, Canon A1, Canon Photura (very cool point and shoot) and my Fuji 6X9— my digital camera is a Canon 5D Mark IV.

PL: When taking pictures, what are some objects or elements or feelings within a scene that inspire you to take a photo?


UL: I’m a very sensitive person and I go with feelings/energy of people dancing or sitting or whatever! It has to feel right to me I guess.

PL: Of the pictures you submitted, can you share an interesting story about one? 


UL: Yes! The one of the blurry skyline— I was drunk on a ferry with a friend. I posted the pic to my IG and Onlyny (clothing brand) loved it and used for a tee shirt of theirs!

PL: What do you enjoy most about digital/film photography and what is challenging about it? 


UL: I’m not gonna lie— I hate shooting digital because there’s waaaaay too many options/ buttons! I taught myself with film and still shoot it and I just think it looks better and always prefer it!

PL: How would you like to grow this collection of photographs?


UL: I’m not sure! It’s something that I genuinely love doing and it allows myself to be myself. It’s almost like I’ve grown with the job if that makes sense? I just want to keep putting out images that come from my head— it’s a great feeling. 

Every day, Club Members take exceptional pictures. If you are not a Film Club Member yet what are you waiting for? Join today to support the photo community in Philly and to start saving money on film processing! 



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