The Student Award given to three students featured in our annual University Student Show is given in honor of Jerry Brown who was a Vietnam war photographer and a close mentor to the owner of PhotoLounge.
Jerry was 18 & 19 years old in Vietnam in 1967/68. He was drafted right out of high school and then enlisted so he could be an army photographer. When he came back he used his VA benefits to enroll in photo school in Santa Barbara. The photos below are a selection from his work as a student and shortly after taken in Philly, New Jersey and California.

Jerry was a giant in the photo industry and an enormous source of support and mentoring to the owner of PhotoLounge when he was just getting started in the industry and for many years after he founded the company. Jerry loved to help young people get a start so he would be tremendously proud of the students represented in the show. Everything about the University Student Show is meant to embody and represent Jerry's spirit and life long love of photography.
Learn more about the exhibition!